Skip Login LoginAccess conditionsWe inform our users that ELOCAL platform will close on 31 December 2020. An alternative solution for independent language exploration is UniOn! app. Four languages are available: Finnish, Italian, Polish and Portuguese. More information here:CES Highlights | e-LOCAL E-LOCAL is a project financed by the EU and carried out by 9 partners (6 universities and 3 secondary schools) from 6 different Countries: University of Bologna and ITCS Rosa Luxemburg (Italy), Adam Mickiewicz University and ZSO 2 Charles de Gaulle (Poland), University of Debrecen and Tóth Árpád Gimnázium (Hungary), University of Coimbra’s CES (Portugal), University of Lapland (Finland) and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium).E-LOCAL promotes multilingualism by developing original learning tools and materials for 6 languages: Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Portuguese. In the e-LOCAL courses the acquisition of linguistic skills (level A1 according to CEFR) combines with the attendant acquisition of cultural competence, thanks to the use of English as vehicular language. Main target users are students from universities and schools. ![]() e-LOCAL courses The e-LOCAL courses are centred on the adventures of Anna and Alex, two Erasmus students arriving for the first time in one of the six e-LOCAL countries. You will follow them in their adventures, share their experiences, new contacts and progress in language proficiency. But their story is only one of the parts that compose the e-LOCAL courses. You will find also useful grammar explanations and exercises, as well as texts on culture and daily life of the people living in that country. Are you ready to explore the e-LOCAL world? Ready? Steady?.. GO! | Skip E-LOCAL Partners E-LOCAL Partners |